Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK:
Your Rights, Liberties, Freedoms & Responsibilities:
We, all The People in Australia need to learn our Rights and teach our children their Rights, when enough people know their Rights, Liberties and Freedoms a Natural Revolution will take place in Australia and ‘The People’ will truly Unite and Rule Supreme!
We simply need to be educated as a United Group to end all of this chaos and not be scared to say “NO”, only education will ensure you know our Lawful Laws which will ensure we UNITE as ONE.
Background: I started the group called Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand in 2014 after years of research into our Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK our Common Laws and what they meant to us “The People of Australia”.
I organised our members in each state and territory of Australia and we marched on Parliament and the High Court in each state and territory and we issued them with a Moratorium that DEMANDED
The 3 R’s.
1. Reinstate our Commonwealth Of Australian Constitution Act 1900 UK to its rightful position in parliament.
2. Remove ALL of the corrupt politicians using section 44i of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK.
3. Reinstate Referendums Of The People, For The People, By The People!
The government were beside themselves as they didn’t even know the Laws themselves that are embedded in our Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK.
Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK
Section 44 (i)
44. Disqualification
Any person who:
(i) is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; or
(ii) is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer; or
(iii) is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent; or
(iv) holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth; or
(v) has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons;
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
But subsection ( (iv) does not apply to the office of any of the Queen’s Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen’s Ministers for a State, or to the receipt of pay, half pay, or a pension, by any person as an officer or member of the Queen’s navy or army, or to the receipt of pay as an officer or member of the naval or military forces of the Commonwealth by any person whose services are not wholly employed by the Commonwealth.
Vacancy on happening of disqualification
If a senator or member of the House of Representatives:
(i) becomes subject to any of the disabilities mentioned in the last preceding section; or
(ii) takes the benefit, whether by assignment, composition, or otherwise, of any law relating to bankrupt or insolvent debtors; or
(iii) directly or indirectly takes or agrees to take any fee or honorarium for services rendered to the Commonwealth, or for services rendered in the Parliament to any person or State;
his place shall thereupon become vacant.
You may remember all hell broke loose in parliament as they started sacking people under section 44i of our Constitution Act due to their, heritage, nationality and not being an Australian Citizen; it was a partial win for The People.
Through this we got rid of a few criminal politicians but not enough when some are extremely influential.
We also achieved Reinstating our Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK to its rightful position in parliament.
Everyone now knows we have a constitution whereas on the 10th of July 2015 less than 1% of The People were even aware that we had a Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK the only constitution most people were aware of was the United States of America’s Constitution which they learnt through television shows and movies and the USA’s constant reference too it.
Brief Outline Of
(Australia’s Political History)
The government stopped teaching us our “Commonwealth Of Australian Constitution Act 1900 UK” from 1954 finally phasing it out from all schools and learning institutions in 1973.
Did you know that as of July 2015 you could not and as far as l know you still cannot walk into a public library and get a copy of
“The Annotated Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth”
Written By: Quick & Garran in 1901” which is a book that was written by two of the actual framers of our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” as it was proclaimed and gazetted.
Why do the government want to hide this book from us?
WHAT is so threatening to the government or more importantly what is in that book that the government don’t want The People to know it exists, why do the government FEAR that we know what is in that book to the point that they would abolish it from every educational institution in Australia?
In fact, High Courts of Australia have a habit of actually hiding court case results and decisions made by Juries in order to hide the outcomes so we do not know these matters were heard as constitutional matters.
There is a reason they don’t want us to know what is in “The Annotated Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth 1901” For it holds within it our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” which is embedded with our Rights, Liberties, Freedoms and Responsibilities and with the knowledge contained in this Constitution Act the government cannot dictate over us or implement laws that disadvantage us, they cannot steal our children and hold them over us as a lever or a weapon against us and they cannot FORCE MANDATORY VACCINATIONS as it states in Section 51 xxiiia.
In this book is a copy of our original
“Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” Our Common Law Rights, Liberties, Freedoms and Responsibilities are embedded in our Constitution Act and it cannot ever be changed; it can only be altered by way of Section 128 a referendum of The People and while we remain a Democracy and not a Republic our laws that protect us will remain embedded in our Constitution Act 1900 UK.
No one can change them, for they can never be changed they can only be altered by way of a referendum of “The People” under Section 128.
You need to understand exactly what took place and in what order, so this is a very brief history lesson.
Our Constitution is the greatest GIFT ever bestowed on The People of ANY Country because it contains our Common Law Rights, Liberties, Freedoms and Responsibilities which are all outlined in the centre pages of this book called
“The Annotated Constitution Of the Australian Commonwealth” this book was printed in 1901 by Quick & Garran however, the printing of this book took place after our Constitution received assent from “Her Majesty Queen Victoria the Second, Queen of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Empress of India, Defender Of The Faith” which took place on the 9th of July 1900 in the United Kingdom, our Constitution became enforced as soon as Queen Victoria The Second assented to it!
This Act is known as our
“Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” and also our Constitution Act.
PLEASE NOTE: This Act exists in the centre pages of the book above as this Act is why Quick & Garran wrote the book in the first place.
There is much misconception about the date that our Constitution Act 1900 came into force; due to the book being printed by Quick & Garran in 1901, however, if Queen Victoria didn’t assent to our Constitution then there would never have been a book.
It would be like putting the wagon before the horse and making the wagon drag the horse for something that may never be;
so remember the date 9th of July 1900.
Again Her Majesty Queen Victoria the Second, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Empress of India, Defender of the Faith as is Her Majesties correct Styles & Title; assented to our Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act on the 9th of July 1900 and this Act came into force on the day Queen Victoria assented to it; it has nothing to do with Federation or the printing of the book by Quick & Garran in 1901, our Federation came to be after the assent of our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act” on the 9th of July 1900 and yet we never celebrate it.
WHY? Because the government don’t want us to know it exists! In fact, l organised that our members of Velvet Revolution wait to have the marches across every state in Australia until the 10th of July 2015 to see if the government of Australia was going to celebrate our Constitution being assented to by Queen Victoria The Second and they did not even mention it in parliament or on the news!
l mean to say why would such a GIFT as in our Constitution Act 1900; vowing our Freedom through Democracy Forevermore be ignored by our government? But not a peep came from parliament on the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK and no celebrations were heard or seen.
Contained in our Constitution Act is our Common Laws in their original format, unedited by corrupt governments past or present. It does not contain the 44 referendums that have been held in this country since the assent of our Constitution not even the 8 referendums that were actually CARRIED by “The People” were entered into our Constitution, but you can look up the 8 referendums CARRIED on the Australian Electoral Commission website which l have posted below; these 8 alterations held by referendums of The WILL of People are the ONLY LAWFUL ALTERATIONS that should be noted. (
This book “Annotated Constitution Of The Australian Commonwealth” was Written by Quick & Garran in 1901, these men are just two of the original Framers of our
“Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” and they are true hero’s of Australian history in that time along with Australia’s First Prime Minister Sir Edmund Barton and they were directly responsible for our Common Law Rights, Liberties, Freedoms & Responsibilities which they deliberately set up to PROTECT THE PEOPLE of Australia.
Our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” holds within it that “The People Rule Supreme” and not this corrupt corporate government conglomerate who care nothing about our people or our country and assets.
Our current government are a caretaker government who created the corporation known as “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” the actual title of Australia is “Commonwealth Of Australia” do you see what they did there, this corporation know as “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” is registered in Washington D.C. which my right hand Paul Kirchner from Velvet Revolution found as a registered corporation and our politicians have never sworn an allegiance to our Monarch who is Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Empress of India, Defender of the Faith.
Queen Elizabeth the Second is not Australia’s Queen as it clearly states in her “Styles and Titles”, Australia have never had a Queen, the Queen or King of the United Kingdom is our Monarch and no Law is Lawful until it is assented to by Queen Elizabeth the Second; Queen of the UK.
Australian Electoral Commission (
Referendum dates and results
We give respect to Queen Elizabeth the Second as all Western Civilisations do because she is our Monarch, we are under a Monarchy, A West Minister System, A Democratic Society where we enjoy Rights, Liberties, Freedoms & Responsibilities bestowed upon us by Queen Victoria the Second (Queen Elizabeth the Second’s Grandmother) who in her infinite wisdom assented to our Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK which was put together by the Framers of our Constitution where they took all the best Laws from
• The United States Of America
• The Dominican of Canada and
• Great Britain
The rest of this book is an outline of how our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” came to be. Every word was debated, every sentence was debated to ensure that even a layman could understand it so there was no misunderstanding as to it’s meaning, these Constitutional Convention Debates were Proclaimed and Gazetted and are to be read in conjunction with our “Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK” to understand it’s full meaning.
Pass this on to all your family and friends and read it yourself, it will be the most awakening book you have ever read and you will realise that we still have a Constitution; start on page 262 ALL our Rights, Liberties and Freedoms are still intact; along with